Buy Local Campaign in the Month of July!

Shop locally in the month of July for a chance to win prizes.
The resident spend survey conducted in the Village shows how the vast majority of household spending on daily needs leaks out of our community, spent in Leduc, Edmonton and elsewhere. This is a common challenge in smaller communities, and even more so for places like Warburg located close to major centres. It is recognized that shopping patterns are linked to commuting, price and selection. But that said, Warburg residents express a desire to support local stores:
- 100% of residents agree that having local shopping options is important - and 62% indicate this is very important
- residents are willing to pay on average a 13% premium over big city prices to have local options (recognizing businesses incur transportation fees to bring products in)
The Village is reminding residents to think local first before automatically driving into the city. Give local vendors a try, you might be surprised. And if you want different products, put a request in! The retail analysis undertaken shows strong potential exists for higher local business - residents (including the Kart club and county residents in the broader trading area) indicate potential to spend up to $3.3 million more annually if a broader selection of goods and services is available.
So the potential is there! But it starts with supporting the businesses we have to make Main Street more vibrant and encourage expansion of offerings. And vibrant local business creates jobs and helps attracts residents, which drives more commerce, in a virtuous cycle.
To that end, the Village and local businesses are promoting a "Buy Local" Campaign during the month of July. Shop locally for a chance to win a prize - the more you shop, the higher the chance of winning. Click here for more details.